Advisory Roles

In addition to our research in the epidemiology of dementia and cognitive aging, the Yaffe Group is also committed to advancing public health policy to improve population brain health, as well as supporting the next generation of investigators in the fields of aging and brain health.

Included below are key affiliated organizations leading these efforts.


The Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH)

The Global Council on Brain Health was founded by AARP in collaboration with Age UK to provide trusted information on maintaining and improving brain health. Dr. Yaffe serves as the chair of the GCBH Governance Committee, providing expert guidance on priority areas of focus.

Global Council on Brain Health logo



State of California Governor’s Alzheimer’s Prevention and Preparedness Task Force

The Alzheimer’s Prevention Task Force prepares recommendations to the Governor on how local entities can prevent and prepare for the rise in the number of cases of Alzheimer’s Disease and its consequences. Dr. Yaffe was a member of the task force.


California for All logo



Paul B. Beeson Career Development Awards in Aging Research Program

The Beeson program supports early-stage investigators in aging who are emerging as leaders in their field of research. Dr. Yaffe serves on the Beeson Scientific Advisory Board and is Multiple PI of the grant that supports the Beeson Annual Meeting.

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Clin-STAR Coordinating Center

The NIA-funded Clin-STAR Coordinating Center advances transdisciplinary research, training and career development in aging and provides resources for junior clinician-scientists. Dr. Yaffe serves as Multiple PI.

Clin-STAR logo



National Academy of Medicine

Dr. Yaffe was elected to the National Academy of Medicine in 2019. She has served on multiple National Academy of Medicine Committees focused on dementia and cognitive aging, including the Committee on Decreasing the Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Type Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Age-related Cognitive Impairment, and as Co-Chair of the Committee on the Public Health Dimensions of Cognitive Aging, the latter of which resulted in a landmark report published in 2015: Cognitive Aging: Progress in Understanding and Opportunities for Action.

National Academy of Medicine logo



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: BOLD Public Health Center of Excellence (PHCOE) on Dementia Risk Reduction

The PHCOE on Dementia Risk Reduction, lead by the Alzheimer’s Association, is coordinating efforts to translate current science into tools and materials on dementia risk reduction that can be used by public health agencies, population health teams, and frontline practitioners. Dr. Yaffe serves as a member of the Dementia Risk Reduction Research Roundtable Expert Panel.




American Heart Association Brain Health Enterprise

The Brain Health Enterprise’s goal is to drive science into viable solutions. Dr. Yaffe serves on the Scientific Advisory Panel for the Brain Health Enterprise which provides provide scientific, clinical, and strategic advice.

AHA logo



The Alzheimer's Association

The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. Dr. Yaffe has served on the Alzheimer's Association Medical and Scientific Advisory Board and the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference Scientific Program Committee, including as chair for the latter from 2011 to 2013.

Alzheimers Association logo



German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE))

DZNE, an interdisciplinary research institute founded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, aims to develop new preventive and therapeutic approaches for neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Yaffe previously served as a member of the DZNE senate.

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