Drug and alcohol dependence

Multiple substance use, inflammation and cardiac stretch in women living with HIV.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Riley ED, Kizer JR, Tien PC, Vittinghoff E, Lynch KL, Wu AHB, Coffin PO, Beck-Engeser G, Braun C, Hunt PW

Non-fatal stimulant overdose among homeless and unstably housed women in San Francisco, California.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Davy-Mendez T, Vittinghoff E, Dilworth SE, Suen LW, Braun C, Coffin PO, Satre DD, Riley ED

Impact of polysubstance use on high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I over time in homeless and unstably housed women.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Riley ED, Vittinghoff E, Wu AHB, Coffin PO, Hsue PY, Kazi DS, Wade A, Braun C, Lynch KL

Use of a prescription opioid registry to examine opioid misuse and overdose.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Cynthia Campbell, Amber Bahorik, Constance Weisner, Paul VanVeldhuisen, Andrea Rubinstein, Tom Ray

Longitudinal health service patterns of patients with alcohol, cannabis, and opioid use disorders.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Amber L. Bahorik, Derek Satre, Andrea H. Kline-Simon, Kelly C. Young-Wolff, Constance Weisner, Cynthia Campbell

Higher prevalence of detectable troponin I among cocaine-users without known cardiovascular disease.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Riley ED, Hsue PY, Vittinghoff E, Wu AH, Coffin PO, Moore PK, Lynch KL

Underreporting of drug use among individuals with schizophrenia: Prevalence and predictors.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Amber Bahorik, C.E. Newhill, C. Queen, Jack R. Cornelius, S. Eack

Integrated cognitive enhancement therapy and personal therapy for substance misusing schizophrenia patients: Interim results on the first 6 months of treatment.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Shaun M. Eack, S.S. Hogarty, D.P. Greenwald, A.L. Bahorik, M.Y. Litschge, S.S. Bangalore, M.F. Pogue-Geile, J.R. Cornelius
