Integrated cognitive enhancement therapy and personal therapy for substance misusing schizophrenia patients: Interim results on the first 6 months of treatment.

Shaun M. Eack, S.S. Hogarty, D.P. Greenwald, A.L. Bahorik, M.Y. Litschge, S.S. Bangalore, M.F. Pogue-Geile, J.R. Cornelius. Integrated cognitive enhancement therapy and personal therapy for substance misusing schizophrenia patients: Interim results on the first 6 months of treatment. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2014 Jul 1; 140:e53.


Shaun M. Eack, S.S. Hogarty, D.P. Greenwald, A.L. Bahorik, M.Y. Litschge, S.S. Bangalore, M.F. Pogue-Geile, J.R. Cornelius